At SafetyNet Technologies we proudly support the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Also known as the Global Goals, they are a universal call to action to end poverty and protect the planet to ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The goals recognise that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. This concept is integral to all our activities at SafetyNet Technologies.
How Does Precision Fishing Support the SDG’s?
The Sustainable Development Goals strive for a better world by 2030 where sustainable development allows all people and the planet to thrive. We believe that Precision Fishing can help make this future possible. Precision Fishing uses technology and data to optimise efforts and resources whilst reducing waste, and negative impact on the marine environment. Therefore, we are working with fishermen, scientists, and industry stakeholders to develop the tools to enable Precision Fishing in fisheries worldwide.

SDG 14 Life Below Water
The main aim of SDG 14 Life Below Water is to conserve the oceans and achieve sustainable use of marine resources for sustainable development whilst simultaneously protecting biodiversity and addressing the impacts of climate change.
Additionally, SDG 14 stresses the need for an ecosystem approach to marine resource management. This means that management should concern the entire ecosystem, not just a handful of commercially viable species.
How is SafetyNet Technologies Supporting the SDG 14?
Target 14.4: effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing
Pisces is an underwater device that supports SDG 14 Life Below Water by reducing unwanted bycatch. Using coloured LEDs, Pisces helps fishing crews attract their target species whilst deterring unwanted bycatch species.
Globally, 1 in every 10 fish caught is unwanted bycatch. This equates to 9 million tonnes of bycatch being accidentally caught each year. Unwanted bycatch is a contributing factor to overfishing by slowing the recovery of fish populations. By reducing accidental bycatch, Pisces is helping to reduce overfishing of unintended species and enhance the sustainable use of the oceans.
Target 14.a: Increase scientific knowledge and develop research capacity
Climate change is changing our oceans at an unprecedented rate. As a result, it threatens not only the health of ocean ecosystems, but the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. However, we still don’t fully know the extent to which climate change is and will affect our oceans. The vastness of the oceans has made them difficult to effectively monitor.
However, thousands of fishing boats traverse the oceans every day and have the potential to collect great amounts of data at near real-time. Enki supports SDG 14 Life Below Water by turning fishing boats into ocean data collection platforms.
Enki is an ocean sensor that attaches to fishing gear and collects data on key environmental parameters such as water temperature and salinity. By measuring these conditions, we can gain a detailed understanding of the state of the oceans and how they respond to climate change. For example, this data could be used to create better models that predict how marine environments will respond to climate change. Moreover, the data collected from Enki can help fishing vessels manage their daily operations and help us monitor and minimise human impact on the oceans.
Target 14.4: effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing
SNT-Cam is a wireless gear-mounted underwater camera that enables fishing crews to see their gear in action. As a result, fishers can gain insights into how fish behave in their gear and if bycatch mitigation tools are working as they should or could be optimised. SNT-Cam supports SDG 14 Life Below Water by empowering fishers to improve their fishing gear in a sustainable and timely manner.
SDG 2 Zero Hunger
SDG 2 aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition by 2030 and ensure a sustainable food production system. Unfortunately, the world is currently not on track to achieve zero hunger by 2030. It’s estimated that 690 million people are hungry, and this number is only predicted to increase.
The oceans are critical for feeding the world’s population as 3 billion people rely on seafood as their primary source of protein. A recent report (Nature, 2020) has suggested that the oceans can produce 6 times more seafood than is currently harvested. Therefore, seafood will be a significant factor in reducing hunger and malnutrition.
To ensure the longevity of our food systems, it is vital that food production is sustainable. Precision Fishing will make it possible to increase seafood production by enabling more effective fisheries management and sustainable harvesting methods.

Target 2.4: By 2030, ensure a sustainable food production system… that help maintain ecosystems
Right now, we are working with commercial and artisanal fishers around the world with the aim to integrate Pisces into their usual operations. Pisces works to help fishers catch more of their target species and avoid bycatch such as juvenile fish that can help replenish fish stocks. As a result of this, we are hoping to optimise fishing efforts so that more seafood can be caught whilst reducing the negative impact on the environment.

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
By 2030, the blue economy is estimated to reach a staggering $3T and employ almost 40 million people worldwide (World Bank, 2021). However, the global economic value of the oceans is estimated to be much greater at ~$24T meaning there is plenty of room for the blue economy to grow(WWF, 2015). As a result, many regions are looking to the Blue Economy to fuel rapid economic growth.
The fishing industry is one of the largest sectors in the ocean economy providing not only a vital source of food, but income for millions of people around the world. However, only healthy oceans can sustain economic growth and support the livelihoods of coastal communities. Target 8.4 of SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth is to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.
Precision Fishing can make it possible for a profitable fishing industry and a healthy marine environment to coexist. Better management and sustainable harvesting methods have the potential to grow the fishing industry with minimal disturbance to marine ecosystems.
Target 8.4: Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation
Pisces supports SDG 8 by helping to decouple economic growth with environmental degradation by reducing bycatch. Often, bycatch cannot be sold and in areas like the EU, must be landed. As a result, bycatch is in the animal feed industries and a nutritious human food source is lost. Bycatch is not just an unfortunate waste of fish but also a waste of time, effort, and revenue for the fishing crews. Therefore, by helping to reduce bycatch, Pisces has the potential to help fishing crews improve their profits by targeting more profitable target species.
The data Enki collects supports SDG 8 Economic Growth. Seafood production is an integral, natural and sustainable part of the Blue Economy, however, it is threatened by climate change. Our oceans remain poorly understood due to their remoteness and the challenges of operating on and in them. Data derived from Enki can generate new insights that improve decision making and help to optimise the blue economy, particularly when combined and correlated with other sources such as productivity or human inputs.