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SeaSensor [formerly Enki]

SeaSensor is an advanced underwater sensor that allows you to automatically collect ocean data while you fish.

Easily mount it to your fishing gear to automatically collect metrics like temperature, depth and turbidity; and improve your catch accordingly.

Use this data to better understand how underwater environmental conditions are affecting your target species and the effects of climate change on your fishery.

Main features:

  • Timestamped metrics for underwater environmental conditions.
  • Integrated depth, temperature, turbidity, light intensity, immersion and motion sensors.
  • 8-hour wireless charge and up to 30 days of data collection.
  • 300m depth rating  (800m coming in mid-2024).
  • Small and Robust design.
  • Automatic and wireless (bluetooth) data transfer.


|SeaSensor is launching in 2024|

For more details about the product, please get in touch with our team below.

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