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Our Supporters

In 2017, we ran a crowdfunding campaign to help fund production of our first batch of PISCES and be able to send it to trial partners around the world to use. We raised about £30K with thanks to the following people.

Gold: Experimental Sponsor

Anonymous Industry Stakeholder

Bronze: Part Funder

Barbara Wijngaard
Henderson Seafood
Raul Diez Canseco
Paul Watson
Stephen Lloyd Awards

Young’s Seafood

Thank you to...

Abi Childs
Adam Dinwoodie
Adam Woodhall
Adina Roth
Aditi & Tim Heal
Alec Taylor
Alex Brett
Alex Everard
Alex Senechal
Alex Watson
Alexandra Peppitt
Alexis Cockroft
Allen Peppitt
Amanda Hindman
Amy Healey
Andres Escobar
Andrew Batchelor
Andrew Harvey
Angela Flaemrich
Anna Benner
Anna Mitchell
Anna Patton
Anne Marie
Anne Starling
Anoma Rajini
Anthony Long
Anu Joy
Arc Marine
Austen Hindman
Baptiste Fevre
Barbara Wijngaard
Beth Matheson
Billy Wu
Bruno Lacey
Caroline Hodge
Caroline Rendon-Garcia
Chad Anderson
Charlotte Calloway
Chris Natt
Chris Blues
Chris Callander
Chris Luck
Christophe Christiaen
Clare Brass
Clare Hughes
Conor O’Sullivan
Craig Whittet

Daniel Crispin
David Jennings
Darshna Varia
David Dixon
David Kelly
David Millican
David Parker
David Puttergill
Dharshani Weerasekera
Dr Pamela Davy
Emily Dunne
Emma Baker
Emma Fadlon
Estelle Boland
Fang Yuan
Fatima Martin
Fernando Carballal
Fishy Filaments
Flick Hardingham
Frank Whitten
Frederic Germain
Francesc Maynou
Gaetan Zulian
Gelske Hueyr
Georgia Muenster
Guy Valk
Hawys Tomos & Richard Simpson
Helena Berthon
Henry Stratford
Hugh Laughlin
Ian Goode
Ingrid van Ommen
Izzi Rutherford
Jack Wilson
Jake Roberts
James Byrne
James Thompson
Jelena Noya
Jennifer Macpherson
Jes Bailey
Jessi baker
Jina Chung
Joel Freedman
John Rider
Jolyon Baldwin
Jon Maynard
Jonathan Cauwood
Joseph Mela
Josh Roth
Joshua Kehs

Julie Brown
Kamil Alibekov
Keegan Neave
Kelly Van Haren
Kevin Deane-Freeman
Kyle McElroy
Kyle Kleinbeck
Larissa Kunstel
Laky Zervudachi
Lauren Ames
Lee-Ann Perkins
Leila Sheldrick
Leo Chesterton
Leo Mburu
Louise Armstrong
Louise Hetherton
Lucy Erickson
Lynn Lorio
Lynn Selboe
Maria Wellman
Mariam Nasir
Martin Wall
Mary Burguieres
Mary Musgrave
Matt Gummery
Matt Watson
Meera Doshi
Michael van Engelen
Michael Winch
Michael Winch / Miber Engineering
Michiel De Smet
Monika Panfil
Montserrat Compa
Mudit Goenka
Nadia Laabs
Nafisa Martin
Nathalie Lim
Neil McEwan
Neil Bachelor
Nicholas Shaver
Nicolas Derudder
Niraj Varia
Nyasha Duri
Oliver Waterhouse

Oliver Poyntz
Omar Knoll
Patricia de Clapiers
Paul Ebied
Paul Stafford
Peter Childs
Philip Taylor
Puneet Raj
Rachael Jagger
Rachael Miller
Rachel Carlton
Raul Diez
Rayner Piper
Rick & Maryann Jensen
Robert Matthew
Ronja A
Ruth Westcott
Ruth Williamson
Segolene Surrel
Sam Jewell
Sam McKenney
Samuel Stone
Santiago Ortega
Sapana Agrawal
Sara Cocomazzi
Sarah Cameron
Sarah Hilleary
Sean Suckling / Schif
Shannon Quinn
Shelly Morris
Steven Anderson
Thomas Henrich
Tim Corvin
Tobias Revell
Torsten Thiele
Trevellyon Newell
Naomi Turner
Udbhav Gupt
Victoria Brookman
Victoria Hopkins
Yeshica Weerasekera
Yuan-Chun Lin
Yvette Toner
Zachary Rootes
Zaynab Martin
Zella King

We work with fishermen to ensure our devices are tailored to their needs

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