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Keep up to date with the latest news from SafetyNet Technologies, including our recent fishing trials, partnerships and product updates. 

Embracing Innovation and AI in Commercial Fishing

Catch and Trawl Monitoring in the Falkland Islands

Westra Fjord K193 wins the SafetyNet Technologies Giveaway

How Precision Fishing Technology can help preserve Ocean Biodiversity

Trawl Door Monitoring with The Warp Attachment

Ground Gear Monitoring in the Irish Sea

Shetland Vessel Deploys Underwater Camera to Monitor Gear Set Up

Exciting Update: Fisheries Researcher Wins CatchCam Giveaway

SafetyNet Technologies Launches Innovative Rental Scheme for their Fishing Camera

Pairing the CatchCam Camera and Vónin Flyer to monitor ground gear in action

A step-by-step guide to attaching your CatchCam camera to Static Gear

Hampidjan Canada becomes the latest CatchCam Distributor

CatchCam: The Underwater Camera with a Fishermen-led Design

SafetyNet Technologies Announces Partnership with The Fishermen’s Mission

Robust Camera for Bycatch Reduction in Scallop Fishery

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