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Crowdfunding PISCES: Our campaign so far

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Posted by Dan (Founder and CEO)

We’re now 3 weeks into our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, and it’s already been an education!

We’ve had tremendous support from our community of family and friends, the wider public, and even an ex-Vice President of Peru – Raul Diez Canseco! We’re very nearly halfway to our goal and still going strong. Thank you to everyone who’s supported us so far!

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be writing some blog posts about how we prepared for the campaign, what we’ve learned, and some things we’d do differently next time. While this will be useful for us as an organisation, I hope it will also be useful for other people looking to make use of crowdfunding in a similar way.

This campaign has felt fairly unorthodox since the beginning – we’re a for-profit company that sells to other businesses, rather than consumers and we’ve asked the public to be willing to help us fund our Research & Development – not your usual request! Plus, we’re doing it because we want to do our part to solve a huge global issue, while being a sustainable business (the only way we see PISCES succeeding)!

I look forward to sharing our story with you.



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